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“Mums, who use regulation tools to improve nervous system resiliency and become emotionally healthy, raise confident and resilient children, who can accomplish whatever their pure little hearts desire”

Taryn Holman

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Become The Parent You have always dreamed of being…

Get started here to improve your motherhood journey!


    Our 7 day breakthrough program is a self paced course that teaches you simple, yet profound regulation tools, to improve your emotional health. It’s a perfect blend of polyvagal theory, visualisation techniques and breathwork exercises. We strongly recommend to start here if you want to make a positive change for you and your family, but are busy and only have limited time to invest in yourself.

  • Intuitive Mama Project

    This is a 6 week self-study program that combines ancient Indigenous practices, cutting edge coaching techniques and polyvagal informed education to help you to drown out the conflicting information and be the intuitive parent you have always dreamed of being. Why? So you can lead your family with unconditional love and create unbreakable bonds with your children that last a lifetime.

  • Coaching

    This is an 8 week program, where you get 1:1 coaching that will allow you to strengthen your nervous system through polyvagal informed education, rewire your subconscious with tried and tested coaching techniques and finally get in total alignment so you can accomplish whatever result you want! You will learn how to become your own medicine, so you can thrive instead of barely survive.

  • Connecting Hearts Cacao Ceremonies

    These circles are an incredible way to experience ancient medicine in a traditional way.

    To improve your emotional health and strengthen your nervous system, you need to be able to sit with all parts of yourself, acknowledging and nurturing the parts of you that are often judged or neglected.

    These circles provide you with the space for your body to process trapped emotion and let go of anything that is no longer serving you, which means that you can finally stop living in conflict and start living in cohesiveness.

    We were designed to heal in community which is why these circles, where you can share and be witnessed, are so transformative.

    This Hawaiian Cacao is grown on the mountain of Mauna Kea, which is the most sacred mountain in Hawaii. It is situated on the Hamakua Coast, known as the ‘breath of god’ so it is no wonder it has the strength to touch your spirit and heal you from the inside out.

    Lava is the lifeblood of Mother Gaia and Hawaii has some of the worlds most active volcanoes, which means that this plant medicine is grown in volcanic rich soil.

    Besides being a superfood that is full of antioxidants and extremely good for your health, it also creates powerful transformational energy, which

    Are you ready to connect?

Hi, I’m Taryn Holman


I am passionate about guiding little ladies, their beautiful Mamas and heart centred babes (yes that’s you!) back to their higher self, so they can cultivate unwavering self belief and unapologetically own their truth.

I have seen my beautiful clients of all ages get the most phenomenal results when I use woven modalities to help them ignite radical self love and it all starts when you make the decision to invest in yourself.

The ripple effect that this has on every area of your life needs to be seen to be believed. It is insanely amazing!!

I hold space for my clients, whilst using incredibly powerful techniques that will help them fast track any result they want, so they finally connect to their beautiful heart space and live in total alignment, consciously creating the life of their dreams.

It is my soul’s purpose to serve, coach and empower you, so you can illuminate your own path back to your true centre and live the most joyful and fulfilled life.

So are you curious to find out more about how I can work with you or your beautiful daughter?

What some of our fabulous clients are saying…

Pure Little Hearts exist to sprinkle confidence on every girl, every where and nurture the inner cheerleader, so that little girls can grow into confident women.

We Have Been Featured for the ‘Confidence Unleashed’ Summit